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hmmmm... Empty hmmmm...

Post by geistijany Tue Aug 26, 2008 1:15 am

di kampusQ (UIN SUnan Kalijaga), ada nak2 brengsek yg nyebut PELA-ku CUR-hat sbg "pelacur"...dsini aQ maw curhat tnpa khawatir disebut pelacur...hehehehehehe....ikutan curhat neh...aQ pusyingngnggng...bkin skripsi ttg Adonis, so aQ minta do'anya biar cepet kelar...dh mulae capek nehhhh... capek nih
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hmmmm... Empty Re: hmmmm...

Post by imut Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:12 pm

Jhon, pak kumis yukk..?!
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hmmmm... Empty Re: hmmmm...

Post by novie Chamelia Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:39 pm

maaf buat tijani. gw sampe sekarang belum terbiasa memanggilmu "mamak" tetap aja manggil "tin" or "ni". biar beda, aku manggil "jani" aja ya ? kayak film radit and jani..........
novie Chamelia
novie Chamelia
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Registration date : 10.05.08

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hmmmm... Empty Re: hmmmm...

Post by geistijany Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:30 am

oke dehhh....asaL ga 'tin-tin' aja bgadang di monas lg Nov? nOvi emg T-O-P baaguz
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Jumlah posting : 19
Registration date : 18.06.08

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hmmmm... Empty halah...!

Post by novie Chamelia Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:00 pm

halah ! mau bergadanag di monas, gak taunya kamu langsung masuk angin, alis meriang, plus tewas....! Laughing pokoknya kalau mau ke jakarta, siapin obat flu dulu deh......!
novie Chamelia
novie Chamelia
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Jumlah posting : 44
Age : 39
Lokasi : Ciputat
Registration date : 10.05.08

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hmmmm... Empty Re: hmmmm...

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